Sister Rosie's car. We took a picture of it, but it didn't download for some reason. Anyway. I heard about her car even before we ever arrived in Kuching. No one knows how it keeps running, but she prays about it every time she wants to go to church and she get to Church and home. She's a sweet lady, I think divorced or husband died, not sure which. She has a job selling insurance and has a client base. The Sister Missionaries took us to visit her in her home, because she wants more clients to make more money. Elder Przybyla was very quiet for a long while and then he finally spoke and joined the conversation, and started a spiritual message about the blessings of paying tithing.
When he was done, she said she had been paying her tithing, but things got tight and she quit. I told her I know and recognize when Elder Przybyla gets the message from the spirit of what he is supposed to talk about, so I know this is the message you are suppose to hear tonight. She committed to start paying her tithing again. Is fun to watch the spirit work. I know that is what she needed to hear and do.
Last week, we were visiting Universities. We walked into one, and was greeted by a young man who said, "I know your Church. The Sisters taught me." We assumed he was less active. We had a lunch date with him today. He is not less active; he has not been baptized. He took some lessons, but got hung up on why he had to be baptized when he was already baptized in another church. Elder Przybyla talked about everything but did not ask him if he wanted to know why he needed to baptized again. So when E.P. was winding up the luncheon I told Michael the answer to his question is very simple and easy to explain and would he like the missionaries to explain it to him. He said yes and his wife would too. So we gave his name and phone number to the missionaries tonight. We will go with the missionaries when they teach him. Michael and his wife are having an open house in a couple of weeks and he invited us to come. He is from Nigeria, but I think he grew up in England.
We were given several assignments for Zone Conference in Singapore the first week in April.
1. A ten minute introduction of ourselves, family, etc.
2. A ten minute presentation on our Mission assignment: PEF/Self Reliance.
3. A dance presentation during lunch hour.
For our Introduction of Ourselves and family:
Start out with statement: I suppose you wonder why we called you all here today.
Not many people know this: My name is Sister Przybyla. I am a chocolate addict: I would give it up, but I'm not a quitter..
We bring in a suitcase.
There are things that we never travel without: we pull one thing out of the suitcase at a time:
1. Dance shoes: We have traveled all over the world appx. 125 counties and gone on over 100 cruises. We have literally danced across the seven seas. Dancing takes a lot of practice to teach your feet what you want then to do. The natural man is an enemy to dancing and to God. It's takes a lot diligence and practice and dedication to live God's Commandments.
2. Binoculars: I am a birder and I have convinced Elder Przybyla he is too. I have over 600 bird species on my live list. 1000 is my first goal. I keep my eyes on the skies all the time. We need to keep our eyes single to the Glory of God.
3.GPS: This gives us the security that we are never lost because we can always put in home and we will find our way back. You probably think that stands for Global Positioning Service. We think it stands for God's Plan of Salvation. When we follow it will always lead us back home.
4.Map: A map shows the big picture--you can see the goal and the roads that lead to it. CTR or choose the right road, stay on the straight and narrow path and you will reach eternal happiness.
5. Camera: (Elder Przybyla) I loves photography. She thinks I like birding--I take pictures of the birds so she can identify them. A camera is for remembering all our trips and adventures. It's like a journal of our experiences. Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of the God.
6. Taco Seasoning Mix; The only food item I brought with me on the Mission. Sometimes we need a little spice and seasoning in our lives. To everything there is a season and time to every purpose under the Heavens. This is our season for a mission and I will find the right time to use this.
7.Money: Can't travel without it. You can buy anything with money--that is except blessings. We are not paid money for our service. D&C 4:2: Therefore O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all you might, mind, and strength that ye may stand blameless before Him in the last days.
8. Toiletries and Scriptures: Keeps us groomed, looking and smelling good on the outside. Reading
the Scriptures, keeping the commandments, and following our leaders keeps us groomed on the inside.
9. Passports: We need this legal document that allows you to walk past the sentinels of every country.
Temple recommends are the worthiness passes to enter the House of the Lord to make sacred covenants, and seal families together for ever.
10. Cell phones: How did we ever live without them? Yes, we are old enough to remember aren't we? They provide amazing communication possibilities. Prayer provides great connections with our Heavenly Father. You will never get a busy signal.
11. Tennis Shoes: These are good, old, comfortable, can't live without them, walking shoes. Before you judge another: walk a mile in his shoes.
12. Medications: These just kind of work behind the scenes keeping everything running right and keeping us going. Pres and Sister Mains keeps everything running right, keeps us going, keeps us healthy, happy, and serving.
13. Need a suitcase or 5 to pack all this stuff in and hold it all together. This is what our family of 6 children and 12 1/2 grandchildren do for us. Our Family is the purpose, this is the support, and love that binds us together and gives us this opportunity to be in the Mission field and to serve. Show Picture.