Sunday, March 2, 2014

I want to tell this amazing story: I was in a mall and I picked up one of those free books that has advertizing and stuff in it.  Sure enough it was talking mostly about hotels and beach destinations, but there was a great article with a pull with pictures of birds and where to go birding, but that's not what this is about. I will check on that later!

In the back it had an article: "Changing Lives for the Better."  Caught my attention since that is what we are here for.  The article was very interesting about skills training and aids to low income households. 8 week courses teaching skills in sewing and cooking.  Well long story, but I told Elder Przybyla we needed to go this place.

The next day we got in the car to go, and they had an address in the book; a street but no number. So we looked in our GPS and just put the street in with no street number.  Didn't think that would really help, but figured maybe if we went to the street and drove up and down it we would find this UNASCO market. The training center is on the second and third floors.  After traveling a while the GPS says you will arrive at your destination in 1000 feet.  We looked at each other and said what destination we didn't put one in.  But in 1000 feet there was the UNASCO store we were looking for.

On the second floor we found the Training Center and the couple that are running it,  They are our age and the nicest couple we have ever met.  They volunteer and run this center.  They told us all about it and showed us around.

It's for girls and women only from age 17 to 50.  They have to be very low income to qualify.  It's a two month course either in sewing or baking.  They get money for the taxi to get there, they get a free meal, they get free babysitting and and at the end of the course they are given 2 free ovens or 2 free sewing machines. They are also given classes on finance management (not to give their husbands the money if he drinks it away) and motivation.  They can choose to start their own business by themselves or with 2 others in the class or stay working there making uniforms and make up to 1500rm a month.

That is my definition of a self reliance center.  We found this place last Friday and we already have found two members who have taken the course.  They have not received their ovens or sewing machines yet.  We are going on Tuesday to the couple we met and find out why they don't have them.

This is a government sponsored program.  Looks to me like they are doing a lot for their poor.

This is just an example of things we are being led to and finding out about.

Our bosses in Hong Kong don't know what to do with us.  We skyped them the other day and got to know them.  I don't know what they do all day?  I think they sit in the office and do something.  We are on the ground doing the real work.

They said the reason PEF funds are not available in Malaysia yet is because the government wants to tax the loan money 25 per cent.  So the legal department of the church is still working on it.