Sunday, March 30, 2014

We have a great success story.  It's really not our story it's Meiting's story.  The Sisters knew about our Career Class and called us one night and asked if we could help Meiting get ready for an interview to get a scholarship for nursing school. Of course we said we would love to.  When we met her she was so shy she wouldn't look us in the eye or hardly say anything.

We first asked her everything she has achieved and done.  She has quite an interesting life. She  speaks four languages and she has had several jobs. One of which was  kind of like a candy stripper in a hospital. So we came up with a great Me in 30 Seconds introduction for her. And practiced over and over how to walk in the room and look at people and shake hands. When they say tell us about yourself, she has her Me In 30 seconds ready.  And how to exit with calling people by name and asking for the scholarship.

She GOT the scholarship!!!!  She did it!!

We leave tomorrow for Singapore for a week.  Zone conference for us is 2 days. It has taken all our free time to get ready for presentations we have to do at conference.  We are now ready and have to pack tonight.

 This little trip will be every 3 months so we can renew our visas. Malaysia is pretty tough on some passports.  One little Sister that was here is from Indonesia and had a hard time every time she left the country to get her visa renewed.  She was here,but the Malaysian's sent her home and won't let her back in the country.

Another Sister from Tonga has been detained for 4 days in a room in the airport. Not allowed to have her stuff, etc.  One Senior Couple was allowed in one time, but not again to help her  I think she was sent home too.

I'm not so sure why they are so picky. But it's their county.  Hope our transit is nice and smooth. I do not want to leave here.

Elder Przybyla is doing fantastic learning the language. He remembers the words quickly.  I am a whole lot slower.  But the other night I started to say my prayers and they sounded funny to me.  So I said it  Malaysian.  The words were simple, but it sounded better and the Lord  knows my needs. We always bless the food in their language and usually our morning prayer together too.

Love ya all. 

At a vegetable market.  This is ginger growing . See those little red peppers on the dish in the back ground?  She said they were sweet and only a little spicy.  I bought some.  I barely touched one to my lips and they burned the rest of the night.  Yeah that was sweet alright.

Same vegetable market. I bought ingredients for salsa, except for cilantro, which I haven't found here yet.  You would think with all the Chinese people that live here it would be in every market.  No sign of it. Anyway the salsa was good.  I found something round and flat-ish in the freezer department in the grocery store, fried it up and we had tacos.  They were really good or we were really craving tacos? Used  Mc Donald's hamburger of course.

Same market. I don't remember what they are doing.  Maybe that is ice.

Big eating center at this market. Very busy on Saturday night. We showed up one Sat night and a band was playing rock and roll. So we couldn't resist. Yes we danced.  There were one hundred people taking pictures and videos.  I am sure we are all over you tube the next day.

This doesn't show up so good.  Fantastic sun set.
Bright Red.

We went to an Education Fair and talked to a lot of schools.  That's for our PEF assignments here.

Family home evening with Young Adults.  We are playing Pictionary. There were 3 investigators there. This is another Sr Couple's apartment. They were out of town so we held it for them.

2 of the invesigators and Elder Mitcher is the red hair. Chinese speaking Elders.

This is part of  our District. The Sister in blue next to me goes home in 2 weeks. She wants to go to BYU. Her family lives in France and she grew up there but speaks prefect English.  She has not so good grades so we are trying to talk her into UVU for awhile and then transfer to BYU.  The jacket I have on is only because the air conditioning in the church is so cold.

We were going to find JobsMalaysia department and didn't find it and kept driving and ended up somewhere out  in another county of the State. The road ends here and you get on a ferry to cross the River.  We didn't go across the river.

The ferry. Notice the little lady with the big hat. She just got off  the ferry. So cute!You have to deal with the motor bikes all over the roads. Cheap transportation for them.

Little market by the ferry. Lots of shrimp and fish for sale.  Grab a bite before getting on the ferry. No thanks for me. It really smells.

This ferry is at road's end.  A home in the back ground.We are getting into the really hot season. I hate it when there are no clouds in the sky. I prefer the rainy and cloudy days.

Ordered this is a mall.  It's called buttered shrimp. We love the buttered sauce. YUM!
But the shrimp still had eyes on them and the shells under the battered coating. Not so YUM!
We have been waiting for this place called "Gims Burger Place" to open. Don't know if we hit it on opening night, but we finally found it opened. Yes, he has the right idea to make a better burger. This has a char-coaled  bun. The
locals may like it but for the cost, probably  won't go back. And didn't like the meat that much.

Looking for NGO's we found this little Christian book store. This nice lady works there.  We decided to buy this  for our apartment.Then found out she is the one who  did the needle-point work.  It's quite beautiful..

Love the sunsets from our kitchen window and the jungle in front of our apartment.

Mosque. We went and took a peek inside. Very plain, they use it for praying .  Dad and I decided when we get on the other side we want to ask permission for us to teach the Muslims.  They are wonderful people with the cutest families.

Cemetery in front of the Mosque

Just resting in front of the Old British Court House.  Downtown Kuching.

We're stopped at a light and this lady was putting sun glasses on her dog.  She noticed we were watching and she held him up for to  take a picture.     Top this picture!
This is the Relief Society Birthday Party. The one that I made those 60 party favors for.  The favors all got taken, but there was not 60 ladies there. Below are pictures of the ladies inside Sister Pauline's house.  Her husband is BBQing chicken and fish for the dinner.

The Sister standing up is from Provo. She is pretty new out.  She has been called to be English speaking, but her companion is called as a Malay speaker.

Sister Pauline has a few ears of corn growing in the back ground. She has room to grow a lot more than that. I don't understand why they don't grow more things.  This is the first time I have seen anyone growing anything. They could be more self-reliant.
There's the corn growing and picture of sunset. I love these people so much. They are so humble and loving. They are trying so hard to live the gospel.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Not going into great detail on this topic, because I don't know much.  But if you're interested you can Google it.  The island of Borneo has three countries on it: Brunei, East Malaysia, and Indonesia.
There is also a West Malaysia where Kuala Lumpur is locate.  These two areas are like night and day. Kuala Lumpur is like Hollywood compared to third world East Malaysia.
And south is part of Indonesia.
East  Malaysia is the 2nd largest producer of Palm Oil and a major global trader in timber and rubber.
These are contributing to the deforestation of the island.  Countless villages have been displaced.

There are 32 different ethic groups with 80 local dialects. The Malaysia theme you read around town is  "One Malaysia".  Good luck with that.

The tribes I know or hear about the most are the Iban, Bidauyuh. Dayoks, and Ulu.  Mix those with the Chinese, Muslims, and the Timals (people from India).  There is actually a  tribe that still wanders around as nomads called the Penan. They are the poorest of all.
We see mostly Iban, Bidauyuh, Chinese, Muslims, and Timals.

The  poor missionaries get transferred all over the place. Learn one dialect and have a hard time in the next area with the language.  Basically once you learn Malay you can also speak Indonesian. 

We've only had two real lessons. We can say a basic prayer. And know a lot of other words.

These tribal people started moving into the cities around the end of WWII.  Many still live in the Kampongs or villages and haven't  move into cities yet. They are having a hard time adjusting to city life and are the poor and hard core poor. They move here because they want a better life for their kids.
Some don't get it yet and how it all works.  If they get a job and work for a couple weeks and they have some money they quit their jobs. They got some money so they are happy. If you give them a sewing machine to make a living they would sell it. It's like the traditions of their fathers talked about in the book of Mormon.  They have to learn a whole new way of living and surviving. This is a tough job. We got an interview for a girl, but she said she couldn't get to the interview because she had no way.  What do you do?????

Well that's my geography lesson for the day.

Friday, March 21, 2014

This just might be the ultimate sacrifice:  I gave up my nails today.  They really don't do them here like at home.  I'm not sure exactly what they do. I think they put them on and take them off every time????  Anyway whatever they do is like 80 USD to do them.  So, no more pretty nails. Tear drops  keep falling on my head. I'm just kidding. I will survive, I will survive.

The Mission President's wife has a famous saying that the whole mission uses.  Boleh.  Its  means I Can!!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Sister Rosie's car.  We took a picture of it, but it didn't download for some reason.  Anyway.  I heard about her car even before we ever arrived in Kuching.  No one knows how it keeps running, but she prays about it every time she wants to go to church and she get to Church and home. She's a sweet lady, I think divorced or husband died, not sure which.  She has a job selling insurance and has a client base. The Sister Missionaries took us to visit her in her home, because  she wants more clients to make more money.  Elder Przybyla was very quiet for a long while and then he finally spoke and joined the conversation, and started a spiritual message about the blessings of paying tithing.

When he was done, she said she had been paying her tithing, but things got tight and she quit.  I told her I know and recognize when Elder Przybyla gets the message from the spirit of what he is supposed to talk about, so I know this is the message you are suppose to hear tonight. She committed to start paying her tithing again. Is fun to watch the spirit work.  I know that is what she needed to hear and do.

Last week, we were visiting Universities.  We walked into one, and was greeted by  a young man who said, "I know your Church. The Sisters taught me."  We assumed he was less active. We had a lunch date with him today.  He is not less active; he has not been baptized.  He took some lessons, but got hung up on why he had to be baptized when he was already baptized in another church.  Elder Przybyla talked about everything but did not ask him if he wanted to know why he needed to baptized again.  So when E.P. was winding up the luncheon I told Michael the answer to his question is very simple and easy to explain and would  he like the missionaries to explain it to him.  He said yes and his wife  would too.  So we gave his name and phone number to the missionaries tonight. We will go with the missionaries when they teach him.  Michael and his wife are having an open house in a couple of weeks and he invited us to come.  He is from Nigeria, but I think he grew up in England.

We were given several assignments for Zone Conference in Singapore the first week in April.
1. A ten minute introduction of ourselves, family, etc.

2. A ten minute presentation on our Mission assignment: PEF/Self Reliance.

3. A dance presentation during lunch hour.

For our Introduction of Ourselves and family:
Start out with statement:  I suppose you wonder why we called you all here today.

Not many people know this: My name is Sister Przybyla.  I am a chocolate addict: I would give it up, but I'm not a quitter..

We bring in a suitcase.
There are things that we never travel without: we pull one thing out of the suitcase at a time:

1. Dance shoes:  We have traveled all over the world appx. 125 counties and gone on over 100 cruises.  We have literally danced across the seven seas.  Dancing takes a lot of practice to teach your feet what you want then to do. The natural man is an enemy to dancing and to God.  It's takes a lot diligence and practice and dedication to live God's Commandments.

2. Binoculars:  I am a birder and I have convinced Elder Przybyla he is too.  I have over 600 bird species on my live list.  1000 is my first goal.  I keep my eyes on the skies all the time.  We need to keep our eyes single to the Glory of God.

3.GPS: This gives us the security that we are never lost because we can always put in home and we will find our way back. You probably think that stands for Global Positioning Service.  We think it stands for God's Plan of Salvation. When we follow it will always lead us back home.

4.Map:  A map shows the big picture--you can see the goal and the roads that lead to it.  CTR or choose the right road, stay on the straight and narrow path and you will reach eternal happiness.

5. Camera: (Elder Przybyla) I loves photography.  She thinks I like birding--I take pictures of the birds so she can identify them.  A camera is for remembering all our trips and adventures. It's like a journal of our experiences.   Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of the God.

6. Taco Seasoning Mix;  The only food item I brought with me on the Mission.  Sometimes we need a little spice and seasoning in our lives.  To everything there is a season and time to every purpose under the Heavens.  This is our season for a mission  and I will find the right time to use this.

7.Money: Can't travel without it.  You can buy anything with money--that is except blessings. We are not paid money for our service.  D&C 4:2: Therefore O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all you might, mind, and strength that ye may stand blameless before Him in the last days.

8. Toiletries and Scriptures: Keeps us groomed, looking and smelling good on the outside.  Reading
the Scriptures, keeping the commandments, and following our leaders keeps us groomed on the inside.

9. Passports: We need this legal document that allows you to walk past the sentinels of every country.
Temple recommends are the worthiness passes to enter the House of the Lord to make sacred covenants, and seal families together for ever.

10. Cell phones:  How did we ever live without them?  Yes, we are old enough to remember aren't we?  They provide amazing communication possibilities.  Prayer provides great connections with our Heavenly Father. You will never get a busy signal.

11. Tennis Shoes:  These are good, old, comfortable, can't live without them, walking shoes. Before you judge another: walk a mile in his shoes.

12. Medications: These just kind of work behind the scenes keeping everything running right and keeping us going.  Pres and Sister Mains keeps everything running right, keeps us going, keeps us healthy, happy, and serving.

13. Need a suitcase or 5 to pack all this stuff in and hold it all together.   This is what our family of 6 children and 12 1/2 grandchildren do for us.  Our Family is the purpose, this is the support, and love that binds us together and gives us this opportunity to be in the Mission field and to serve.  Show Picture.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

This is four of our six Sister Missionaries in our Zone out to lunch with us at a Thai restaurant.  They said it was the best food since they'd left home. It was good food. Not as a good as Thailand, but we aren't in Thailand.

Elder Przybyla thought this was funny.  They don't want you to drive thru, but you can walk through.

City One Mall in the background.   I think he's taking a picture of how the car is parked.

Had lunch at this Japanese restaurant. Ok, but we won't go back. But I think we're taking a picture again of where the car is parked

This is Sister Rosie in her home,  This is one of the better homes.  We are taking a picture of the kids sports medals hanging around the room. I will tell you about her car later.

Getting our car washed and cleaned.  It has rained for 4 days straight--so little good it did.

Little family just set out a sign to wash cars and they are in business.

I volunteered to make invitations and things for Relief Society Birthday party. I thought we were talking about 20 people. She combined with another Branch and up'd the number to 60. Finally got them done.  The green boxes have candy in them.  The pink things are book markers. I hand made the roses. And 60 invitations.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

The word SOFT does not exist in the toilet paper here!
You probably won't remember, but the house with no electricity (I have a picture a few pages back). The daughter Nina is a nurse that has finished college and passed her test for the degree, but hasn't had any luck getting a job.

This is really more than we are suppose to do, but we went to visit a hospital and talked to the head matron who does the hiring. We hit it off quite well because she has a daughter in Idaho and a son in Georgia in the service, both are US citizens. She said she had just hired 20 nurses, and her spots were all full, but she would make a phone call and could probably find her a job.  Well Nina never heard from her.

In the mean time we had a wonderful visit with the Assistant Director of Health of Sarawak this week. We talked about a lot things; among them was Nina's story.  He said they have produced too many nurses for the number of jobs.  As we were leaving guess who was standing in the hallway but the lady from the hospital that said she would help Nina.  Elder Przybyla says "Minister, here is the lady that is going to help Nina."

Later that day we get a phone call and the voice asked if Nina was there.  We said that is our number, Nina's number is at the bottom of the page.  So I think Nina got a phone call the same day.

You may call that a coincidence, but I don't!  The  Lord works in mysterious ways.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

After the tour was over on Monday, we walked around River Walk by ourselves. There are lots of little shops.

We walked into one store and I noticed a man trying to read my missionary badge. I smiled and walked on by to the back of the store.  I turned around and  the man had followed me.  I introduced myself and told him why we were in Malaysia.  I asked him if he had every heard of our Church. He said no and then I asked him if he wanted to learn about it.  He said well he didn't have time now, he is visiting from Kuala Lumpur and only on vacation here. We gave him our card and told him he could find the Church in Kuala Lumpur also.  Then we met his wonderful wife and daughter on the way out of the store.

Sure wished he lived here.

Monday, we went on a half tour of the city of Kuching with a tour guide that just got baptized. There is a picture of him getting baptized, Eric.
We went with the Elder and Sister Molder.

Kuching is divided in North and South and this is the South City Hall.  Has pictures and history inside.

I don't know the story yet, why this is the cat city, but I will find out.  But there are cat statues everywhere.  I see more stray dogs than I do cats.

Yes I have plain clothes on. First time I've worn pants since before MTC.

This is a picture of the Minister of Sarawak. But he just retired in February. 

Picture of Kuching. The area we live in off the picture to the right.  It's a fairly newly developed area.

This is the famous cat.  It gets decorated for every holiday.

Marble and Granite would love it here.

Those are my daughter's cats.

?? Splat

Sarawak River.

Old house the way they used to build them near the River.

A new house.  Probably owned by Chinese.

Chinese home.

 Kedai mean shop. Little local market.

 Muslim mosque.

You hear them calling prayer many times during the day.

The mosque has an old cemetery in front of it.

This is a grave marker.

Dry dock area by the River.

A hawker cooking up something yummy.

An old prison from the 1800's.

This area on Kuching  is called the Waterfront.

North Kuching City Hall.

Chinese Temple

Chinese Museum.

More RiverWalk Area.

Musical Instruments in the Chinese Museum.

Japanese graveyard from WWII.

More Japanese graveyard