Thursday, December 25, 2014

Cute family Sisters Collard and Tai taught. It's always a tradition that they have their pictures taken in this spot.
My Halloween Party cookies for the Youth. I even named each one of them.
Queen of Hearts was my costume for the Party.
King and Queen of Hearts. Picture taken in our apartment.
These two girls are my favorite; Penny and Audry. They are so strong. They both have callings in the Branch now and they come to everything.
This is Elder Rabin, a missionary called from Sarawak to serve here, but he never gets to serve in his home town. I can't remember who's house this is.
This is a member that served a mission here and married this local girl. They now live in Eagle Mtn.  They decided to come back here and have  their daughter baptized here, so she could invite all her non-member family to attend, and hopefully ask about the church.

We took the Sliders and went to the Kuching Cat Museum. It was everything you could ever want to know about cats. Or don't want to know, but it was all there. I didn't find out why this called the cat city.
More Museum cats. And one fat cat in the middle.

Picture of a home in one of the many Kampong
here.  Yes, someone lives in the front house.

I think she is making battered, deep fried bananas. They are very delicious.