Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Tuesday is Zone conference day. After the meeting we all went to lunch together at a place called Porkies. They have a hamburger probably about 10-11 inches long and 7 inches tall. If you can eat it all in 20 minutes it's free. Two Elders tried it. One didn't make it because he vomited. Then other one made it. It was the biggest thing ever. The hamburgers at this place are made out of pork. It was quite good.
We got up in zone conference and told them what our calling is and now we've had a call from one of the set of Elders that needs us to talk to someone in this Branch. We have an appointment with him tomorrow.
Today, we decided to go this Vocational school that we have seen before, but we couldn't remember where it was. Dad said don't worry, I know the Lord will lead us there. And he did. The gentleman we met was exactly the person we needed to talk to about getting people trained as skilled laborers. He was really pleased when he found out we didn't want to take these people back to America to be hired, but we are leaving them here to improve their country. We are best friends now. He said he would love to come to a meeting a speak to the youth. He also wants to be baptized he just doesn't know it yet!
Drove a set of Sisters to the airport today, and have to pick them up tomorrow.
Had the zone leaders over for diner tonight. They live very close to us. I found some hamburger at the store and Prego Spaghetti sauce. So I had spaghetti, french bread, and salad and dessert. The very excited to have American food. The one Elder said he hadn't had a salad in forever. It tasted good to me too.
I found some chocolate chips at the store. They were in a little bottle about 2 inches high and 1 inch around. I bought 2 bottles. Think I will make chocolte chip cookies when I get a minute.
Just heard from our head quarters in Hong Kong. Malaysia hasn't been cleared legally to do the PEF loans here yet and they aren't sure when that will be coming. We can still do other parts of the self-reliance program. So we will continue the research they need and still help members get better jobs.
Going to bed.